Mild tomatsoppa
Mild yoghurt naturell
Mild Ädelost
Milda Culinesse Flytande
Milda Culinesse Flytande
Milda Mat & Bak
Milda Mat Extra 4 %
Milda Mat Lätt 4%
Milk Chocolate
Milk Chocolate Butter Biscuit
Milk chocolate
Milk chocolate
Milk chocolate Easter egg and bar
Milk chocolate with whole almonds
Milkshake Chocolate
Milkshake Chocolate
Milkshake Strawberry
Milkshake bourbon vanilla
Milshake vanilla
Mimosasallad Persika & Päron
Mindre Socker Mild Yoghurt Vanilj 1.5% fett
Mini Ost Mild Cheddar
Mini Pralinés
Mini Vårrullar